Join us

We are always happy about new people who want to join our work with their ideas and perspectives! Here you can learn more about how you can do so.


Become a member! You can do so by simply downloading the membership application form and sending the filled-in version back to us

If you have questions about becoming a member, you can ask us any time via


Connecting and supporting youth and youth associations in their work for Youth, Peace and Security is one of our main goals. If you’re active in an entity working on YPS or have general questions about our work with entities, we’re happy to be in touch via We’re looking forward to your message!


As our Coalition is still very young, we’re always happy about any kind of financial support for our work. If you would like to donate, please send your donation to our back account with the IBAN DE88 5866 0101 0005 2748 79. We’re happy to issue a donation receipt, if needed!